Wednesday, April 27, 2011

For every thing...turn, turn, turn...

Things are a-changing around here.... A couple of weeks ago I got so anxious about moving that I pulled out my Organizing Plain and Simple book. I only pull out this book when I want to get really obsessive about something. For about 3 solid hours I pored over the section on "relocating" and made excell spreadsheet after spreadsheet mapping out every possible scenario of our upcoming transition. When I showed it to my husband, I could literally smell the ooze as his eyes glazed over before he finally said, "Ok honey, I think we've had enough of this for a while." It was as if I were the drug addict and he my sponsor. Very sad. But I do love my spreadsheets.

Last weekend, we were visiting the school where my husband will be attending and working next year. We were actually there to supervise a group of middle school band students from our district, but his future supervisor was there and took us aside for an hour or so to show us around and chat a bit. During the tour, we learned that there is another opening for a teaching assistantship that I could apply for. I hadn't planned on starting my Masters just yet, but the plan was to only wait a year. With the possibility of a free degree, I would definitely consider starting sooner than we thought. Exciting, right? As soon as I got home, I got my application materials ready in 5.4 seconds and couldn't understand why the admissions director wasn't on the same time-warped schedule I was. I obsessively checked my email over and over again waiting for his reply....I worried when there wasn't anything there....pored over my application 6 more times....worried some more...I think I might've even made another spreadsheet...

It's super pathetic.

I've got to remember that the best thing I can do for myself is to just relax and get my butt into a practice room. No matter how many times I check my email, what is supposed to happen will happen...and it's not in my hands anymore. I've got to trust God enough to know that He's got it all under control and that my only job right now is to live the life He's given me.

I'll let you know how that goes...

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