Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Bee's Knees

Today was a 9 mile at Cliff Cave. If we would've been motivated enough to actually get up and do it before church, we might have avoided the sun setting on us as we were entering into mile 5. Tom thought about throwing in the towel and counting our losses, but he sometimes forgets how adventurous his better other half is when it comes to running through the woods in the dark. Does he KNOW I was raised in the woods?

Anyway. We had a few close encounters with Bambi and friends, but we made it through ok.

The only thing that almost got us was the pain we felt in our legs and knees. I'm starting to understand why people look at me funny when I tell them how far I run each week.

It's because it HURTS!

As we were strutting around like bow-legged cowboys for the rest of the evening (I REALLY have to invest in some bodyglide...), I said to Tom, "Why do we do this to ourselves?" To which he replied, "Because it's FUN!", and promtly waddled over to the couch, plopping an ice bag on his hip.

Nice. Very Nice.

Hope these sore knees of mine are ready for a good ol' fashioned "shred" with Jillian tomorrow!

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